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Friday, May 23, 2025

 ~Fish Fry 4-7 pm *Fryburg Sportsman Club*

~5K Registration 6 pm St. Michael Parking Lot

 ~6:30 CARDBOARD CRUISERS: Build and watch a movie night FREE. Movie TBA   

            Movie at 9 on Church grounds Bring Lawn Chairs and blankets.

                                                   Food Vendors on site.

~7:00 Sharp  5K Fun Run/Walk , St. Michael Parking Lot Proceeds benefit North Clarion Foundation in Honor of Grace Carroll

*Thank you to our 2024 Race Sponsors: FUN Bank, Attorneys Greco, Lander and Shekell, Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance,

 Pest Management, Pale Whale Canoe Rental, Gary Henry's Garage, Fryburg Sportsman Club, Montana's Cafe'

~8:15  Medal Ceremony 

TRIXX ~8:30-11:30 at The Fryburg Sportsman's Club, ***Open to Members and signed guests. 

~9:00 Movie on church grounds *** Road closure from 7:00-8:00 pm due to 5K  Plan accordingly****

Saturday, May 24, 2025

 ~FREE shuttle transportation courtesy of Joseph Muccio Transportation LLC 10 :00 AM to Post Parade (5:30)

Shuttle  at designated Areas for transport to MAYFEST activities: FUN BANK, BALLFIELD, ST. MICHAELS PARKING LOT

                      PARKING: **Please use St. Michaels Parking Lot, Limited parking at the Park.

                                            **WTVFD Parking accessible from the East Side of 208 ONLY. 

                                             NO THROUGH TRAFFIC FROM FUN BANK TO THE WTVFD. 

                                                    EMERGENCY VEHICLES and Residents ONLY!!!!     

                                               **No passing ATV's or Horses permitted in this area!!

                                                 ~FIRST UNITED NATIONAL BANK ATM AVAILABLE

 ~Local Yard Sales available throughout the area.

~Craft Show 9 am-? Ballfield

~Rummage and Bake Sale 9 am-3 pm St. Michael Social Hall

~Free Family Entertainment 

                                                      Jones Party Magic 9:30-6:30 Ballfield- Inflatables: Bungee Jump, Obstacle Course, Giant Slide,                                                           Basketball "Full Court Press", Animal Kingdom bounce area for small children and more.             

                                                       Marty's Bubblegum Machine         9:30 to 3:00

                                                       TBA                                                          10:00 and 1:00 Shows

                                                       The Magic Jamie Show                   11:30 and 2:30 Shows 

                                                       Karl Bailey, Piano Man                       6:00-9:00 Show Bring chairs, blankets and requests!  

~St. Michael Church Tour St. Michaels Church   11:00                                                   

~MAYFEST MOTOTR MAYHEM   9:00am-3:00pm

                    Includes Car, Tractor, Motorcycle and Big Rigs                                                                                                           Starting on State Route 208 FUN BANK towards the Firehall.  Food Vendors and Port a Johns available.

                                                   9:00-11:00 ---REGISTRATION

                                                  11:00-1:00----PARTICIPANT VOTE

                                                  11:30-12:00---MAIN STAGE   Lot beside Fun Bank                                                     

                                                              National Anthem                                   

                                                              Blessing of MAYFEST                                   

                                                              Recognize Veterans/Thank a Vet

                                                   12:00-12:45---LITTLE MISS MAYHEM/JR. GREASER CONTEST                                                                                                                              2:00------------ALL MOTOR MAYHEM AWARDS

           *********************************3:00 PM ROAD OPENS (ALL VEHICLES NEED REMOVED) ***********************************   


~Mayfest "BLAST FROM THE PAST REWIND!" Parade 4 pm Route 208 through Fryburg to Marble, Justin Forsythe, Grand Marshal 2024 and Bob Fitzsimmons and the 2024 and 2025 MAYBUGS!!!!

                                            ***Ballfield will have Food /Craft vendors and inflatables POST PARADE

~Karl Bailey (Piano Man) will play in the park 6PM-9PM *****BRING LAWN CHAIRS & BLANKETS and requests! 

~FIREWORKS   DUSK (9:15p.m.)    

~Karaoke Washington House, 9:00PM $3.00 Beer Special

~ Food Vendors at the Ballfield AND Mayhem Area: 

Lemonade, Ice Cream, Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Sausages, FF, Nachos, Kettle Corn, and more .

***Fryburg Sportsman Club's events are open to members and their guests. ****

                  Thank you to our Event Sponsors:


2025 PLATIUMN Parade Sponsor:

 Fryburg Sportsman’s Club 


2024 GOLD  Sponsors: 




2024 SILVER Sponsors

FUN Bank

Triple S Recycling

Explore Clarion

Farmer's Mutual Insurance

*Check for Updates when Available
Rain date: May 25, 2025 Subject to availability for all events except the 5k 

Children's Race
2025 Fryburg Map for Mayfest.jpg
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